Red Stripe Makes It’s Presence Seen & Heard

The iconic yet sometimes unfamiliar Jamaican brand of Red Stripe beer wanted to bring awareness to the ale and connect with consumers in certain local bars, in key areas. Being a brew with a history of celebrating life and music, it only seemed natural to host an indy music concert series where local bands and individual acts would hold performances in various key restaurant/bar venues to share it’s unique brand spirit.

The marketing communications creative combined grass roots styled imagery bathed in Red Stripe red and was paired with a custom, well suited line “Sounds Good”, which clearly played off the duality of live music and the notion that having a Red Stripe would be a perfect drink choice.

In addition to the eye catching posters on site, thematically branded guitar picks, sweat bands and t-shirts made for great swag that moved incredibly fast before, during and after events.

One campaign for Red Stripe successfully promoted a multi bar concert series while the other gained immediate recognition by getting to the point versus trends in the marketplace.

Having a Go at the “Trendy”

The increased popularity of lime-flavored beers created a unique opportunity for Red Stripe to leverage that trend by countering with the declaration that it is NOT lime flavored. This cheeky response by the long standing, traditional brew drew great attention by local media as billboards for it’s direct message drew smiles and increased sales the months following the campaigns start.