When Just Saying ‘No’ Isn’t Enough

Following an increase in tragic deaths due to the proliferation of “designer drug” creation and usage, The Centre For Addiction and Mental Health took the initiative to create a PSA to bring awareness to an audience that may have “heard it all before”.

Although the underlying message that drug use and abuse can cause death exists, the greater strategic voice is one that recognizes the reality of usage and implores this skeptical audience to better understand the risks, the signs of imminent danger and what to do when that high hits a lethal low. This is realization is depicted in a scenario which paints an unfortunately more familiar picture of an experience that turns out not to be what it seemed.

The impactful spot aired on the MuchMusic television station, and the rave-style flyer shown at the end of the spot was printed and distributed at clubs, bars and independent retailers where such event invites could already be found.